Wednesday, July 31, 2013

food lovers

there's a crazy aMount of food lovers in our class and the two Main people are banella bai and taMara.
you want to know why??? its because these two always talk about food. whether it is the worst or the best. pizza hut, doMinoes, kfc, Mcdonalds, gonuts, carnival, baskin robbins and also about chocolates and sweet. always Making the other go hungry. and also for one week after the year end exaMs taMara was very greedy. she had her own food, bought food froM the tuckshop and also had a share froM us.

Mental Madhatters

Hey guys taMara here!!!! *waves hands*

i know the info above is kind eMbarrassing and of course all of your'll who are reading this blog is gonna think that 'she's such a greedy pig' but it was only for that one week. and i thank all the gals who shared their food with Me.
and ill never forget the yuMMy pork chops(rolls) froM banella bai and her rice as well. and ofcourse halee's Macaroni and aathi's bread and nutella. and thanks huMi for the rotti. he he
l♥ve u all

taMara lyon


  1. awww my macaroni !! no probs ;) ...
    n im never gonna 4get d day wr u & shane wr talking about FOOooooooOOD n u'l totally made me & humi go CRAZyy :D:D:D:D

  2. he he.... i remember dat day.... was awesome talking abt foooooood and also the shoe fyt with humi. my god!!! so many memories =D
