Monday, July 29, 2013

banana skin phobia

so one of our friends has banana skin phobia. guess who?????
that's right. its our very own and dear friend, zahara.
on the last day of school aathi brought a banana and ate it. fuzzy took the skin and hid it in zahara's bag. when she caMe back froM cant reMeMber where she sat on her chair and we were all chatting norMally except we were giggling on the inside exchanging knowing looks with the others and poor zahara didn't suspect a thing. then fuzzy asked zahara to take soMething out of her bag and when zahara opened 'surprise' the banana was there. she shrieked and bolted to the entrance of our class and told that she wont coMe in until we threw it away. all of us, fuzzy, hazel, aMile, ale, aathi, ira, taMara, elina, kiara, skye were laughing. soMeone, cant reMeMber who, threw the skin to zahara and it struck the back of her dress. she screaMed and she asked one of us to go help her wash it in the washrooM. at the end taMara went with her.
and to this day she still has the uniforM with the Mark keeping it as a reMeMbrance of the 'cruel' act we did to her.

Mental Madhatters

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