in this page we will post about all the new words we created by Mistake but becaMe to be very funny jokes in our class.
Mistake: conjusted
actual word: congested
creator: the killer
how it happened: we were all sitting in a round table conference way chatting and laughing about nonsense. since we were all crowded together aathifa (aka killer) asked why are we all "conjusted" in this place. it soon becaMe a joke and we all teased her with it for a loooooong tiMe. we still do, even when we are over the phone :D
the new letter: pew
actual letter: p
creator: ale
how it happened: skye, ale, taMara and rae were all learning Maths cuz in half an hour it would be the Mid year exaMs for Maths. ale had soMe truoble in the how to find the angles part in Maths so the other three were helping her. in a hurry to finish this suM and go to the next she said how to find this "q and pew" we were all laughing over it and we were teasing her about it till the end of the day. we still do as a Matter of fact.
Mistake: groose
actual word: grose
creator: aathi
how it happened: actually we were all in a round table conference and we were jabbering and aathi said that soMething was 'groose' and we caught on that word and we still tease her about it. so whenever she's around and we need to use the word grose we instead use the word 'groose'. aah we all Miss those days of Making new words and laughing over it :(
Mistake: shet up
actual word: shut up
creator: hafna
how it happened: dont reMeMber how it happened but one day after school at our spot she said shet up and we teased her about it.there's a MeMory too. check out the MeMory here
Mistake: shup
actual word: shop
creator: aathi
how it happened: it was on the first day of school and we were all in the hall waiting till they announce which class we are in (we are getting shuffled nah) and we were talking about how stupid we look wearing those black clark shoes with our white uniforMs and then aathi was telling why she didnt get her pair of black shoes and she accidentally said 'shoe shup' and ale was like 'upload that on the blog' and we were all laughing a lot. =D
Mistake: bell over
what she actually wanted to say: period over
creator: hafna
how it happened: well froM the 'M' class only hafna, taMara and farhath were there together in the a different class. (you guyz know that we are shuffled nah :( ) we were doing our chemistry notes in the IT lab and was waiting for the period to be over. when the bell rang indicating that the period was over hafna said '' bell over!'' instead of period over and all three of us burst out laughing
Mistake: buMp
actual word: Mop
creator: halee
how it happened: it was the interval and Most of us 'M's went to one class and had our breakfast together so shahla was eating pizza and a bit of the topping fell off on the floor next to halee's chair. so halee asked her to clean the floor ''bring the Mop and buMp the floor'' aathi was the first to point out the Mistake and here it is on the 'M' dictionary.
Mistake: reeM
actual word: rooM
creator: aathi
how it happened: we are all seperated but of course the girls who were with aathi in the specific class told me this. aathi and halee was talking about how there is no rooM for the girls to pray and stuff and aathi accidentally said ''reeM''. halee soon wrote it down on her hand so she'll reMeMber the word and could share it with the rest of the 'M's
Mistake: wroting
actual word: writing
creator: taMara
how it happened: it was Morning and taMara went to another class to be with soMe of the 'M' girls who caMe early and they were all talking and aathi and shaani read her books and coMplained about how slow she was at updating and taMara was telling how she has no tiMe and accidentally she said the word 'wroting' and of course as usual the girls never let go of that word using it every tiMe they can to eMbarrass her.
Mistake: goggle
actual word: gobble
creator: aathi (as usual)
how it happened: halee, sal, aathi and saf, we were all together afterschool at 'Our Spot' and we were talking about how much we missed each other's noise, laughter and goobbling and that's where aathi made the Mistake. instead of saying 'gobble' she said 'goggle'. sal pointed it out and halee and she high fived saying that its a new word for our dictionary. aathi was blushing. how Much we Miss all these things.
oooohh my god TAMARAAAA!! u seriously need ta upload that !!!! :p
ReplyDeletecudnt help it ale *sheepish grin*