Monday, February 24, 2014

the start of ''pulling trousers'' ;D

it was in grade 5 that we started pulling trousers of the Madhatters. the first person to pull a trouser is haleeMa and she pulled aathifa's. >_<  aathifa was such an annoying and very stern Monitress back in grade 5 and she always says to us if we dont listen to her or be quiet that we are very ''arrogant'' we dont think she knew the Meaning of ''arrogant'' back then. it was during the proMotion exaMs and we were free and aathi was asking us to be quiet but we were all Making a big racket (as usual). and halee got soooo annoyed at one point that she pulled aathi's trouser and it caMe uptil her ankle >_< and that too in front of the entire 'M' class. she was screaMing her head off at halle for pulling her trouser and the best part was that she didnt even put her trouser back on fully but she was scolding halee. and ever since then we have kept up the tradition of pulling the 'M's trousers whenever we can and not enough of that we also put the top up. crazzy i know but these MeMories are sooo very MeMorabel :D

Mental Madhatters